Torque Motors:

Nagpur Motors has introduced a series of special motors known as Torque Motors. Unlike, the normal induction motors, these motors have a torque speed characteristic, which is nearly linear, which means from the standstill stage to the full RPM, the available torque reduces almost linearly. This characteristic makes it patently suitable in applications where the speed is required to reduce with the increase in load. For example in winding or calendaring applications, as the buildup of material takes place in the bobbin, the reduction in speed automatically helps in maintaining the linear speed reasonably constant. In addition the motors are amenable to speed control by simple voltage adjustment, thus enabling maintaining of constant linear speed throughout the operation.
Torque motors are also designed to work continuously under locked rotor conditions and thus find applications in machine tools for indexing and clamping and in lifts for door mechanism etc. Torque motors are generally rated on the basis of locked rotor torque in Nm or Kgm or Kgcm. Depending on the application and the range of speed required, the motors are totally enclosed fan cooled or totally enclosed surface cooled.
Nagpur Motors has range of 3-phase Torque Motors from 6 Kgcm to 90 Kgcm Single-phase motors from 1 Kgcm to 15 Kgcm are available.
For proper selection of motors, complete application details should be provided.