Vibratory Motors :
Nagpur Motors has recently introduced Unbalance Motors, which find applications in Screens, Feeders, Graders, Vibratory table, Bin Vibrators, Compactors etc. These are, therefore, required in Power Stations, Mining, Steel, Fertilizer Plants and Petro Chemical Plants, Sugar Industries etc. Apart from these, Unbalanced Motors also are used in a wide range of finishing machines for Automobile and other components.
Motors having Vibratory forces up to 70000 N in 3000, 1500 and 1000 RPM have been developed. These motors are Totally Enclosed with IP55 or IP65 protection and have a very sturdy design using high grade C.I.Castings. For motors in the higher range of Centrifugal Force, Special Cylindrical Roller Bearings are used. The Centrifugal Force can be adjusted by suitable positioning of Unbalance Weights over a wide range.